Monday 16 January 2017

Random :#2


It's the 3rd week in January 2017. Gosh . Time flies so fast that I'm 22 years old now. I miss my teens life..T_T

I've been busy lately with final exam . The first half of my second year in university is going to officially end by tomorrow . Yeay for me.

I guess this semester was the most full-of-colour-met-a-lot-of-different-kind-of-people-with-different-attitudes-ever! With a crazy-OCD-selfish-type of roommate, I guess I managed to survive and still alive *let's singing Still Alive by Bigbang* Yeah I'm still alive after a few negative statements and judgemental criticism that had been thrown to my by my 'lovely' roommate. Please give a big applause to me.

I hope I will not someone like my roommate or worst than my roommate for the next,next,next semester until I graduate, until I work.  I had enough.

P/S : I don't get why people are so emotional when Kim Shin pulled out the sword out from his heart. Yeah may be it's true that he had vanished but come on, it's just 13th episode out of 16 episodes! May be he would reborn, who's on the writers. Plus, Gong Yoo who played Kim Shin is one of the most paid actor in South Korea. I believe, his character won't die easily. Otherwise, it will be a waste for the whole production crew because the news had reported that the writer had to pursue Gong Yoo for 5 years to cast him as Kim Shin.

So, come on,people. Don't get to emotional. It's a fantasy genre drama . Anything can happen!